When I look at large tech companies, I always get the feeling that they have a strategy based on maximizing revenue from one or two core products. Every decision about the other products tends to be made on the basis of protecting or increasing sales of these core products. It is usually hard for the …
It Is in the Cloud—Who Cares If It Goes Down?
Whenever AWS has an outage, it makes the news. In fact, AWS said the recent issue wasn’t even an outage, and it still made the news. Issues with S3 returning a lot of errors in the US-East-1 region caused application problems for a few hours. Personally, it affected my morning routine. I start the day …
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Dealing with Fake IT News
This year has been the year when fake news became big news. But fake news isn’t really new: it has been going on for years. We see fake IT news all over the IT industry when partial truths and irrelevant benchmarks are used to sell products. The presence of fakes means that we need to …
VDI Needs Hypervisor Integration
One of the big issues for virtual desktop infrastructure has always been controlling the cost per user without compromising the user experience. Another common thing has been that the largest VDI vendors each have had their own hypervisor. One of the significant elements of controlling cost is to automate the creation of the user’s desktop …
On-Premises Serverless
One of the big trends of 2016 was the rise of “serverless” application architectures. The most visible was AWS’s Lambda product, but Microsoft has Azure Functions, and Google has Cloud Functions. But what about organizations that want serverless but must run their IT on-premises? Cloud services are not an acceptable option for some businesses, often …
IoT Puts On-Premises Back on the Agenda
There has been plenty of discussion about what the Internet of Things (IoT) means for IT and for storage vendors. The usual answer is that IoT will soon be the largest consumer of storage. Our basic expectation is that IoT will feed a lot of object storage in the cloud or in central corporate data …