One of the things I find frustrating in marketing materials is the use of logical fallacies. I know that not everyone wants logical correctness as a part of life. Having studied science at university, I like good rules that are followed. I’d prefer that marketing materials were honest, complete, and direct. The problem with overstated …
Innovation through Internal Hacking
Innovation is a critical part of any business, particularly a software business. However, as we know from Clayton M. Christensen’s book The Innovator’s Dilemma, it is hard to innovate in a large company. The challenge is that many innovations will disrupt the existing revenue stream. But without innovation, the revenue stream will inevitably end. To remain …
Selling Containers Is Hard
How do you distribute an application that uses containers? This seems to be an odd question. Container-based applications are usually associated with Software as a Service (SaaS) applications and public cloud deployment. However, there is still a place for software that is purchased and installed on-premises in a data center. If the software is in the …
Maintaining Pool Performance
Pooling and sharing of resources is a feature of many data center technologies on which we rely. But this approach has a challenge in that the pool has a finite size. If there is not enough resource to satisfy all the resource demands, then something will suffer. We frequently see this in new virtualization deployments. …
Data Locality Is Impacted by vMotion
This is the third article in a series about data locality in hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). In the first article, I discussed basic math around storage network IO and the effect of data locality on the storage network load. In the second, I examined the impact of HCI configurations with more than two copies of data. I’ll wrap up …
More Data Copies Means More Locations That Matter for HCI
In my previous article, I introduced the idea of data locality in HCI. I also explored some basic math that illustrates the impact of scaling an HCI cluster. I compared a cluster without data locality to a cluster that does have locality. Today, I want to look at what happens when we need more than two …
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