WordPress Hacked: Security Steps

Anyone who has a Wordpress site may have been hacked at one point in time or another. A hack may happen regardless of how diligent you are, but what can we do to help us identify attacks before they occur and what can we do to secure the Wordpress environment. I found some very helpful tools while perusing the internet for Wordpress exploits and solutions. The following are what I have discovered as extremely useful, there are some rules if you been hacked, and then some tools you can use to find future attacks easier as well as prevent them.

Upgrade: MacOS X Lion and Tool Upgrades

I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro from Snow Leopard to Lion as well as a Mac Mini which I did using Apple Remote Desktop ($80 well spent in my mind but that is another story). The upgrades on both went quite smoothly and I am pleasantly impressed with the new look and feel as well as how the tools I use once more ‘just worked’. There were a few tools I upgraded but not much.

MacBook Pro: Update on Integration: Printing

I use a 90-95% virtualized environment and here is a brief update of how I integrated my Mac Book pro into this environment. Specifically about printing. Some notes first:

Print Server: Windows 2008 R2 running as a VM

Printer connected to a Belkin FL5009 USB over IP devices

This configuration seems fairly straight forward, but since I use passwords and heightened security…

How to succeed at at TechFieldDay!

While at Tech Field Day 6 in Boston, thank you Stephen for the invitation and Claire for setting up everything, I had the opportunity to make some observations of how best to succeed as a presenter to the Tech Field Day delegates. Tech Field Day delegate love to talk about technology, but we also talk about bad presentations. This is not how you want us to remember your company. So without much further ado, here are the basic rules.