Migration Week: To an Apple MacBook Pro

This has been migration week. The next two posts will cover several migration efforts in very different spaces. The first migration I wish to discuss is how to migrate from one Apple MacBook Pro (MBP) to another. While many folks have covered use of tools like Migration Assistant or doing things by hand, I think …

vSphere Upgrade Saga: Building Virtual-in-Virtual Labs

I often have to test code and tools on versions of vSphere and other hypervisors that I do not have deployed on physical hardware. To do so, I use a virtual-in-virtual (VinV) approach. However, it is still not just laying down a hypervisor. There is quite a bit of planning that goes into making a …

WordPress: GDPR Compliance

Note: * Updated 2/19/19 as existing GDPR plugin had issues. See text below for changes. GDPR and other regulations are forcing WordPress users to do some quick thinking to cover themselves to meet compliance. Now, many think GDPR does not apply to them, at least within the United States. However, if anyone outside the US …

VMworld and Other Conference Tips

Every month there is at least one conference to go to. Whether that is the smaller InfoSec World, the much larger RSA Conference, or VMworld, conferences are a fact of a technologist’s life. There are as many ways to choose a conference to attend as there are people attending conferences, but there are some tips …

The Science of VDM: Pick a Site for a Colony or Colonies

In this article, we continue from our previous discussion, The Science of VDM: The Plan. VDM, or Virtual Design Master, is a technology contest in which contestants must create a technology design based on a fictional backstory, and then implement as much of that design as they can. The current fictional backstory involves a zombie apocalypse. The …