GitHub Repo: DNSCrypt-Proxy Installer

I use dnscrypt-proxy to proxy all my DNS queries through an encrypted tunnel to a DNS server. There is no reason my ISP should be able to see my DNS queries. I have been doing this for quite a while and created a dnscrypt-proxy v1 installer (now a dnscrypt-proxy v2 installer). Actually, I have a …

The Science of VDM: The Plan

Virtual Design Master (VDM) is a technology contest in which contestants must create a technology design and then implement as much of that design as they can. Goals are given every week, and every week there is an elimination. Sometimes two people are eliminated, sometimes just one. Many self-eliminate, as it is a large amount …

vSphere Upgrade Saga: Moving to 10 G Switches

It was time to upgrade my storage network from 1 G switching to 10 G switching. Actually, this was to upgrade the external connections to my virtual environment. The internal connections run at 20 G, as they use the back plane of my blade chassis. The goal was to add my Synology as a 10 …