Winds of Change: What Does Horizon 6 Mean for Microsoft and Citrix?

At first glance, it looks like VMware’s recently announced Horizon 6 platform is an admission by VMware that applications, rather than desktops, do matter, and that Citrix has been on the right track all along. Certainly, XenApp has been a thorn in the side of many VMware View implementations through the years, allowing people to …

UIAs: Whatever Happened to Them?

A couple of years ago, UIAs (user-installed applications) were all the rage. AppSense had a product called StrataApps (and you can do it in Application Manager also), RES has native functionality that allows this, Unidesk can do it (admittedly in a slightly different way with its layering technology), Citrix was pushing Personal vDisk with its …

Does Desktop Virtualization Contribute to the Decline in PC Sales?

We are constantly reminded that the PC market is contracting, crashing, fading out of existence. There are many possible reasons behind the hard statistics, ranging from global recession to the aberrational removal of the Start Menu in Windows 8. Some, however, argue that the prevalence of desktop virtualization projects is also a factor in this …

Creating a Din in the Cloud Market

Recently I spoke with Mike Chase of dinCloud regarding its desktop virtualization offering. I hadn’t actually come across dinCloud before, as it is a fairly youthful company. However, its VDI offering—which it refers to as HVD (hosted virtual desktop), making an important distinction, because the solution can be on-premises, off-premises, or hybrid—is effectively a separate, …