Steve Flanders (@smflanders) and I had a late-night Twitter conversation over the complexities inherent in cloud-native applications. My take was that we need to broaden our view and see the entire picture before we can delve into the weeds. Steve’s was that we need DevOps. I countered by saying we need better communication. In essence, we …
The Future for Cloud Native Applications
Container technologies and developers work with applications. End users use applications. Yet, administrators think about the systems that make up the applications with tools that are not application-centric but rather system-, VM-, or container-focused. Because the tools are not focused on the application, the definition of the application is unknown by those who support the …
Dell + EMC = Less Security?
Dell has announced it will spin off its SecureWorks product portfolio. SecureWorks is very late to the cloud and virtualization security market, and it may never get there. EMC RSA ignored the cloud and virtualization security market and now is struggling to find a footing in the larger IoT market. VCE has no security reference …
Dell: The Future for EMC
Dell is the future for EMC and, incidentally, for VMware. But how is this future going to be formed? Assuming the stockholders agree, the deal will go through. How will Dell ingest such a large organization with such a diverse product line that competes with Dell—not to mention VMware, which, while part of the Federation, is traded separately. …
Moving to Containers
In this ever-changing world of IT, the legacy of today was once the future of yesterday: namely, hypervisors. Hypervisors are now considered legacy, even though they are seriously underutilized due to issues with fear, uncertainty, and doubt around using these resources to their fullest. The new technology is containers. However, where are the operational tools to …
Workload Tetris Lowers Costs
We all try to do it, we sometimes succeed, but the increased density of workloads escapes many folks, whether they are in a cloud or using an on-premises virtual environment. Are there ways to help us gain more density within our environments? Is it still fear that keeps us from doing so? Are there real …