Migration Week: To an Apple MacBook Pro

This has been migration week. The next two posts will cover several migration efforts in very different spaces. The first migration I wish to discuss is how to migrate from one Apple MacBook Pro (MBP) to another. While many folks have covered use of tools like Migration Assistant or doing things by hand, I think more depth is required, as it is not as simple as one would expect after reading all the articles and comments I found. They were helpful, but nothing gave the full story.

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GitHub Repo: PowerCLI for Linux & Ubuntu Support

After several weeks of coding and testing, I have finally upgraded the AAC-base installers to support not just the official Microsoft PowerShell repos and VMware PowerCLI 10, but also Debian-based Linux releases. These are significant updates. But what are the AAC-base installers?

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vSphere Upgrade Saga: Building Virtual-in-Virtual Labs

I often have to test code and tools on versions of vSphere and other hypervisors that I do not have deployed on physical hardware. To do so, I use a virtual-in-virtual (VinV) approach. However, it is still not just laying down a hypervisor. There is quite a bit of planning that goes into making a virtual lab. What follows is the approach that works for me to produce a segregated test environment that lives within my existing production environment.

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WordPress: GDPR Compliance

Note: * Updated 2/19/19 as existing GDPR plugin had issues. See text below for changes.

GDPR and other regulations are forcing WordPress users to do some quick thinking to cover themselves to meet compliance. Now, many think GDPR does not apply to them, at least within the United States. However, if anyone outside the US reads your site, buys something, or signs up for a newsletter or other service, then you may need to protect yourself. Does this mean a heavy uplift? No, not at all. I covered the majority of issues with just three WordPress plugins.

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VMworld and Other Conference Tips

Every month there is at least one conference to go to. Whether that is the smaller InfoSec World, the much larger RSA Conference, or VMworld, conferences are a fact of a technologist’s life. There are as many ways to choose a conference to attend as there are people attending conferences, but there are some tips that span all.

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The Science of VDM: Pick a Site for a Colony or Colonies

In this article, we continue from our previous discussion, The Science of VDM: The Plan. VDM, or Virtual Design Master, is a technology contest in which contestants must create a technology design based on a fictional backstory, and then implement as much of that design as they can. The current fictional backstory involves a zombie apocalypse. The main requirement is that the human race must survive the zombie virus outbreak. We are looking at doing so by relocating somewhere away from the zombies.

How do you pick colony sites that allow the human race to survive? Several ideas come to mind immediately. Some are farfetched. If the human race is to survive, we must consider the many issues that could affect the establishment and continuance of a colony.
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