After several weeks of coding and testing, I have finally upgraded the AAC-base installers to support not just the official Microsoft PowerShell repos and VMware PowerCLI 10, but also Debian-based Linux releases. These are significant updates. But what are the AAC-base installers?
Power Shell-isms continued: Tales from a Linux Developer Part II
I have been merrily going along my way developing a fairly massive XML file to be used by the PowerShell script I am crafting. After making several changes I have more comments on PowerShell to make.
Power Shell-isms: Tales from a Linux Developer
I will admit, I am a GNU/Linux developer and proud of it, but my customers run windows systems. So where does that leave me? Generally, either programming in portable C/C++, Perl, Python, or TCL. However, I wanted to give Power Shell a try and outside of a few minor (okay major) issues it works quite …
Continue reading “Power Shell-isms: Tales from a Linux Developer”