Note: * Updated 2/19/19 as existing GDPR plugin had issues. See text below for changes. GDPR and other regulations are forcing WordPress users to do some quick thinking to cover themselves to meet compliance. Now, many think GDPR does not apply to them, at least within the United States. However, if anyone outside the US …
Optimizing WordPress — Take III
I have written in the past about steps I have taken to optimize WordPress. There are now newer steps to take. Optimizing WordPress addresses the time it takes to render a page, as well as the scores you get via various scoring tools. The goal is to have a fast site, one that displays quickly without …
PageSpeed and Twenty Fourteen Theme
Google PageSpeed is a required tool for the modern website. If your PageSpeed scores are too low, Google ranks you lower. If your site performs badly, Google ranks you lower. If you do not use SSL, Google ranks you lower. So, a good Google PageSpeed score is crucial but not easy to achieve out of …
Foray into Jenkins, Puppet, Docker, and Photon
I have made a foray into Jenkins to deploy VMware Photon within my vSphere environment. This foray has the end goal of using Jenkins, VMware Photon, and Docker to deploy applications within my hybrid cloud. I have an increased need to deploy web properties as well as to automatically apply in-depth testing to those properties. …
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Removing Genericons from Twenty Fourteen Theme
There are a number of interesting attacks out there, and one of them is related to Genericons, which are used by the Twenty Fourteen theme. There are also serious performance issues with Genericons, so dumping them is a good idea. Here is how I did that without using a child theme. My whole goal for …
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WordPress Hacked: Security Steps and Cleanup Take III
In WordPress Hacked: Security Steps Take II, I wrote about the tools and steps to take to secure your WordPress installation. The current steps to take are the same. The tools, however, have changed significantly. Even as the steps changed from WordPress Hacked: Security Steps, now we look at the tools once more. I will …
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