Cross-Platform Cloud Management Features

Hotlink and their Cross-Platform Cloud Management technology have been in the news recently with the announcement of the latest release and the release of the free version of their flagship product, Hotlink SuperVISOR for VMware vCenter. This technology extends the VMware vCenter management capabilities to Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (KVM).

Citrix Remote PC: VDI complexity solved, or a kick start to a VDI project?

Delivering VDI can be an expensive and time consuming undertaking. Especially when the business case is limited to remote access. There are solutions allowing remote access to a desktop/laptop device: Citrix’s own GoToMyPC has competition from the likes of LogMeIn, Teamviewer, TightVNC and YuuGuu. However, there is always concern about introducing such solutions in terms of “who now has access?”, and “how do we manage it?”. With Citrix Remote PC organisations can have centralized control over services such as printing, clipboard, and local drive access as well as automated provisioning of PC to end-users, combined with the high performance and client compatibility of Citrix HDX. Simples?

Does RES Software portfolio update deliver DaaS?

If DaaS provider is only focused on hosting a virtual desktop they are failing you. If you only provide a desktop to your customers – you will annoy them. You don’t deliver “a desktop” you deliver “a workspace”. RES Software have recently released a number of updates, new releases and patents that help put the Service into desktop-as-a-service. When considering your own enterprise desktop environment, or enhancing your DaaS offering – what tools are you using to automate delivery? Does the updated RES Software portfolio assist?

News: VMware Welcomes Wanova – Is it a Mirage – does VMware finally get desktops?

VMware have announced the upcoming acquisition of Wanova. The combination of VMware View and Wanova Mirage will be an an industry first pairing that could well dramatically redefine the VDI market. It is increasingly common to find vendors acknowledging that a VDI-only solution is not enough. Citrix know it. Quest know it. Desktone know it. We’ve critiqued before that by having a VDI only view, VMware doesn’t “get” desktops. With their Wanova acquisition VMware gets desktops.

Liquidware enhance ProfileUnity with FlexApp: User Installed Apps – What's in a name?

Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity 5.0 with FlexApp offers an option for user-installed applications (UIA) technology. This new feature offers VDI users the option to seamlessly install their own applications into any non-persistent Windows environment without affecting master images or underlying systems. We take a look what FlexApp delivers, where it is headed and consider it in the context of Citrix Personal vDisks and AppSense StrataApps