Unplanned Obsolescence – Digital Lifespan

Recently, the xkcd comic (https://xkcd.com/1909/) mentioned digital lifespan with a pithy comment about digital resources disappearing quickly. This is quite prevalent in the project to restore NASA records from Apollo missions, such as LOIRP. NASA participated in unplanned obsolescence as well as misunderstanding the value of its data. It picked data formats that were not …

Changing the Guard: Goodbye Flex Web Client—Hello HTML5, Baby

They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace. This is a major tourist attraction in London, and the changing of the guard happens every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, weather permitting. “Changing the guard” is also a well-known refrain used to signify the complete change of an environment. VMware is currently undergoing such a transformation with …

Scaling Data Locality

In a recent Twitter discussion, we talked about data locality. What started the conversation was a comment that if you think about data locality, you think about a specific vendor (paraphrased). My response was that when I think about data locality, I really do not think about that vendor. This led to some other comments …

Do We Control Our Data?

Data management is a must as we move up the stack. Data management includes data locality, integrity, confidentiality, availability, and protection. In other words, the old concepts of data security, protection, and classification still apply. However, with the advent of virtualization, our data sources changed. As we moved into the cloud, they changed once more. …