IT Transformation: SME

There are many reasons to use cloud resources, and there are many reasons to enter the cloud, of which we have spoken about fairly regularly as part of our IT Transformation series. The real question is: “When should you use cloud services?” Or, more to the point, “When should you use new cloud services in …

IT Transformation: No Changes to Management

In previous articles, we discussed IT transformation in general, IT transformation and security, and the top-down and migration approaches to IT transformation. Now, it is time to discuss a method of IT transformation I call “no changes to management.” With this method, IT transformation happens by natural, existing means within the data center, by adding …

IT Transformation: Migration

In previous articles, we discussed IT transformation in general, IT transformation and security, and the top-down approach to IT transformation. In this article, we discuss migration as a means to IT transformation. Migration as a means to IT transformation hooks into an organization’s disaster recovery procedures, using these existing mechanisms to migrate workloads from on-premises …

IT Transformation: Top-Down Approach

We recently discussed the need for a plan when performing IT transformation. There are three approaches to choose from when planning. The first approach is a top-down approach. This approach educates C-level and upper management about IT transformation so that they can begin to plan and can understand the costs and benefits. In general, this …

IT Transformation: Architecture Includes Security

I recently had a number of consulting conversations about IT transformation and adding new Security as a Service products to companies’ existing clouds and tenancies. This is the beginning of IT transformation in many cases. A company has realized it needs to provide security to its tenants while using clouds more securely at the same …