DevOps: Stop Talking and Start Doing

If you are like me, you are probably tired of the endless articles talking about DevOps. Each day, you are guaranteed to see an onslaught of articles on the following topics: What Is DevOps? DevOps Is a Culture Change DevOps Requires Empathy DevOps Unicorns, or All Unicorns Started Out as Horses Buy My DevOps Tools …

Recap of #ChefConf 2014

I had the privilege of attending #ChefConf 2014 in San Francisco last week. The theme of the event was “Delivering Delight.” The Chef speakers came out pumped up. They were loud, like the heavy metal music that played in the background (see playlist here), dropping f-bombs as adjectives to emphasize how jacked up they were about …

Welcome to the Marketplace

Welcome to the marketplace! Have you noticed how much that term is getting used nowadays? Before the rise of the World Wide Web, the idea of a marketplace was usually that of a physical, brick-and-mortar location, but it could incorporate any open square or place where we as consumers would go to purchase goods and …

Utopian Disaster Recovery

Recently at Dell World, I was part of a conversation about what would be utopian disaster recovery and where we are today in the state of the industry. But where we are today is transforming, with a new name that encompasses many technologies. We are now using the term “data protection” (DP) to mean much …