Is the Cloud Ready?

The Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference is taking place this week in Toronto (week of 7/18/16), and the cloud is unquestionably its key topic. Many CIOs and CTOs have caught the cloud bug and have openly stated that their infrastructures are moving to the cloud. But what exactly is “the cloud,” and is it really ready for prime time?

A Busy Week for Acquisitions

Most people have heard about recent Microsoft’s recent $26.2B acquisition of LinkedIn. You may also be aware of VMware’s purchase of Arkin and Symantec’s of Blue Coat, which they announced on June 13. My colleague Edward Haletky discusses these acquisitions here. CenturyLink announced its purchase of ElasticBox on June 14. June 16 brought further announcements of acquisitions, these being Samsung’s purchase of Joyent and …