Product Pare-Down: Strike 1 … 2 … 3 … You’re Out!

As we look at the number of new product announcements made by tech companies each day, we notice that a large percentage never quite achieve success. In some cases, the sizzle is better than the steak, and in others, the market doesn’t need or want a specific product.

Choices We Have Plenty: Your Guide to Virtual Switches

I was tinkering around with XenServer the other day. I know I can hear you saying “is that a thing?” Well, it is, but this is not what I am going to talk about today. Time for a tangent shift. I thought I would have a look for a third-party switch for XenServer, but it …

Leostream — The One Broker to Rule Them All

Over the years, I’ve worked with just about every VDI vendor on the market, except one: Leostream. It’s not because the Leostream Connection Broker isn’t any good. Far from it. It’s just because I’ve never experienced an environment so complex that Leostream offered the right answer. So I thought it time to take a closer …