Desktop Hypervisors in 2015

Four and a half years ago, I wrote an article exploring the competition between Citrix and VMware in the desktop hypervisors space: Citrix and VMware face-off over client hypervisors. Citrix had just released XenDesktop 4.0 Feature Pack 2, which introduced XenClient as a bundled component in XenDesktop. One month earlier, at VMworld, VMware had broken …

Managing Legacy Java Versions

Java is currently the leading exploit vector for Windows machines, and Java vulnerabilities are packaged into many of the “exploit kits” available in the darker corners of the Internet (see Internet Explorer, Flash Player, and even the Windows operating system itself have done a good job of either improving the security of their products or …

AppSense DesktopNow Goes Multi-Edition

It appears that on December 9 of last year, AppSense, a leading user environment management (UEM) vendor, snuck out an expansion to its product portfolio. The expansion is not a new product, but rather new editions of the company’s flagship DesktopNow product, bringing AppSense into line with other vendors that offer multiple product editions with varying …

Chromebook / Chromebox for XenApp 6.5

Citrix recently announced that the newly released Receiver for Chrome 1.5 now supports Web Interface 5.4. While that may not seem significant at first, let’s revisit what has changed with Chromebook, as well as with Chromebox, in the interim and take a look at the impact on business adoption. This new combination changes the cost and …