Going to vSphere — The Need to Upgrade

I have been preparing my virtual environment for a VMware vSphere upgrade. Specifically I have been going over my existing hardware with an eye towards running all aspects of vSphere including VMware Fault Tolerance (FT), NPIV, Cisco Nexus 1000V, and well everything.

News: Parallels Announce Virtuozzo Containers 4.5 for Windows Release Candidate Evaluation Program

Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.5 Windows Release candiate is available for download. Virtuozzo Containers is a market leading OS virtualization solution for Windows and Linux and can deliver high density, low effective virtualization environments.

Can the SMB Afford Virtualization?

There has been quite a bit of debate about SMB virtualization and what they want. However, no one has really looked into whether or not the SMB can afford virtualization. There is quite a bit of talk that says that the SMB wants everything for free, or that they will get immediate benefits from virtualization, but can they actually afford VMware, HyperV, XenServer, or KVM?

Is Dazzle Really the Future?

Citrix’s release of the new Dazzle TechPreview “puts the personal back into computing”. Dazzle is said to make self-service IT a reality, giving users simple access to apps and IT services, in order to bring the economics of the web to enterprise IT
But, is such service really what Citrix should be focusing development time on, would such a service give business benefit, and can Dazzle be utilised in an Enterprise Architecture?

Creating A Dynamic IT Environment

In a recent discussion with a group of executives, I stated “these are very tough times, but the technology is there to be revolutionary and make great things happen for the business. I told them that they just need to be that revolutionary person to drive change.” I’ve had a couple of comments online and more offline directly to me around innovation. I wanted to share some of my thoughts on being innovative and some things that you can do to help push the “innovation envelope” and create a dynamic IT environment.