Is VMware trying to remake itself? To Compete with Microsoft?

With all the rebranding going on with VMware, I find it interesting that the new logo for VMware is similar to Microsoft’s logo. A single name instead of the cool boxes they used to have. Did VMware’s brand loose its focus while we were not watching? Is this why VMware is rebranding everthing? Is VMware really trying to remake itself to be more like Microsoft?

Hail the Microsoft RDS CAL-more than just a renamed TS CAL

The Microsoft TS CAL has become the Microsoft RDS CAL. The change is not only in name, but in functionality and price. The most important new offering is the inclusion of an App-V license. This will make introducing Application Virtualization in Presentation Server more cost effective and may also impact on the choice of Application Virutalization for the desktop.

What an SMB wants – VMware Take Note – Microsoft Understands

There is this misconception that an SMB wants everything for Free or nearly Free. This is simply not the case. SMBs are willing to pay for products, it is just they want a great return on their investment. It is not be about “bells and whistles”, but it is about getting more bang for their …

Ansible: Where vSphere and Linux Collide

Recently, I moved what I call my ‘base’ installers to Ansible. Base installers are those that install the bare minimum number of tools I require on top of the minimal installs of Linux; that is, Linux installations that include just enough of the OS components to boot and provide minimal, mostly manual administrative tasks. The …

vSphere Upgrade Saga: Finally vSphere 6.7

It was time. I finally found the time to upgrade my environment to vSphere 6.7U1 from vSphere 6.5U1. The vSphere Upgrade Saga continues. No, I did not go to 6.5U2 or even vSphere 6.7, as I was waiting for the tool to allow me to converge my external PSC into an embedded PSC. Most things …