The CLOUD Act and What It Means for You, or More Importantly, Me!

The CLOUD Act, or to give it full nomenclature, the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act, has been passed into law by POTUS 45. This little act has been touted as an update to the ECPA, or Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and ostensibly, this is the case. What is worrying, though, is the way …

IndependenceIT Has Lost Its Independence!

Those of us in the industry who have been around the block somewhat, shall we say, and worked in end user compute when it was still called terminal services will remember when there seemed to be only two players in the game: Microsoft and Citrix. Then, along came this little upstart from Pennsylvania called IndependenceIT. …

Monarch of the Cloud in 2017

What does the cloud vendor results tell us about 2017? According to the results from Cleveland Research, cloud vendors reported a banner year for 2017 that was an increase of 48% year over year. These overall results are on the high end of the 40% – 50% that was the expected targets and come in totaling $38.6 billion. The fourth quarter in 2017 had an accelerated growth to 50%, which is an overall increase of 4% in comparison to the prior quarter that came in with a 46% growth.