SpringSource – VMWare gets an OSGi Runtime

When VMware acquired SpringSource it also gained an OSGi runtime known as SpringSource dm Server, to which developers can directly build applications using the Spring and other development toolsets without the use of a J2EE application Server such as WebSphere or Tomcat (which is integrated into SpringSource dm Server for backwards compatibility. It is not entirely fanciful that the OSGi Runtime could, in due course, be made to run directly on the hypervisor, removing the requirement for a Guest O/S, leaving a complete VMware Enterprise Java stack.

Hosted Virtualization Security – Type 2 Hypervisors

There is quite a bit of documentation on bare metal or Type 1 hypervisors, including my own book, VMware vSphereTM and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing the Virtual Environment, but there is not much material on the proper security of hosted environments, or Type 2 hypervisors, such as Microsoft Virtual Server, VMware Workstation, Fusion, Player, or Server as well as Qemu, Virtuozzo, or OpenVZ.

Is Dazzle Really the Future?

Citrix’s release of the new Dazzle TechPreview “puts the personal back into computing”. Dazzle is said to make self-service IT a reality, giving users simple access to apps and IT services, in order to bring the economics of the web to enterprise IT
But, is such service really what Citrix should be focusing development time on, would such a service give business benefit, and can Dazzle be utilised in an Enterprise Architecture?