“I Want to Get Out of the Data Center Business”

CIOs everywhere are stating that they want to get out of the data center business and move to the cloud. Is this just a temporary, trendy shift or a long-term solution? Cloud providers such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Google, and Oracle are maturing their offerings and marketing their services as the optimal solution. While …

Treasure Troves and Intel Speculative Execution

The January 3, 2018 Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcast covered two very important issues: the treasure troves used as bases for attacks and the Intel CPU speculative execution bug. The former allows people to access critical cloud and internal resources, while the later allows elevation of privileges to see and act upon data within the CPU …

End-of-Year Roundup

This has been an eventful year, with lots going on. This is an end of year roundup. It is the year when second-order analytics and machine learning became commonplace. The year when artificial intelligence became more than just a daydream. It has been a year of some extremely nasty attacks, ones that nearly took out …

What Exactly Is Artificial Intelligence?

The world is abuzz with rhetoric about artificial intelligence and machine learning. These terms appear to be used interchangeably, and the perception that they are both the same side of the coin can lead to confusion. So, what are the differences? First, let’s consider what AI is not. It is not Skynet (yet), and it …