2016–2017 Hypervisor Cost Comparison

Although it is becoming less interesting over time, the hypervisor is still the cornerstone of the modern data center. As we enter the age of the hybrid cloud, that data center is stretching into the cloud. With the rise of containers, we are seeing clouds move to bare metal once more. While this works for …

Whatever Happened to App Refactoring?

Application refactoring, or “app refactoring,” as it became more widely known, is a procedural concept that was earmarked as a growth area over the last few years. According to TechTarget, app refactoring is “…the restructuring of existing computer code to improve its performance, readability, portability, or code adherence without changing the code’s intended functions.” As …

But What about Google?

But what about Google?  There has been a lot of buzz this year about Amazon, Microsoft, Citrix, IBM and VMware, but what about Google? In my humble opinion, in all practical purposes, Google just seemed to me, to be lacking a clear direction and/or focus when it came to the way Google pursued its business customers.   Google has no problems taking care of any and all technical aspects of the business, but was missing one of the most important pieces and that piece is a strong vibrant sales force.

Technical Certifications: Why and How?

A plethora of certification options are available from Microsoft, Cisco, Citrix, VMware, and other technology companies. Why do people seek technical certifications, and what process does a technology vendor follow in the development of an exam? Most technology vendors publish charts and graphs that show you will earn a higher salary if you have some of …

Oracle dip into their pockets again this time for Dyn

Oracle have been quietly building out their next generation cloud environments, building up a cloud practice with seasoned professionals that includes Ex-VCE, VMware and AWS personal.  They have released a completely new version of their IaaS layer cloud. Dipping into their not insignificant loose pocket change to make several key purchases or acquisitions this year. …

This Might Happen to vCloud Air

My esteemed colleague and friend, Tom Howarth, published a post titled, “AWS AND VMWARE NOW FRIENDS, BUT WHAT HAPPENS TO VCLOUD AIR” and I would like to take the opportunity to present an alternate possibility and viewpoint as to what might happen to vCloud Air. I would like to start with a paragraph from Tom’s post and work my way from there.