Microsoft — The Renaissance Continues

Microsoft’s turnaround over the two years since Satya Nadella became CEO has been nothing short of phenomenal. During the Ballmer years, Microsoft had become increasingly sidelined and irrelevant, focused on aggressive and negative marketing techniques. Anybody remember the painful Microsoft Mythbusters video featuring then–Microsoft executive David Greschler and Hyper-V product manager Edwin Yuen? Not that you can find it anymore; …

Downstream Impact of Microsoft Licensing Changes for VDI

On Monday, Microsoft announced some changes to licensing with respect to VDI, as described in yesterday’s article, Microsoft Changes Windows Licensing. Although Microsoft licensing has always been somewhat complex and difficult to understand, this change is a step forward in terms of simplification. Further, the announcement certainly was good news for enterprises that use VDI, …

Microsoft Changes Windows Licensing

…or “Yaw’ll run and git your shotguns, ’cause those pigs are a-flyin!” Mark November 3, 2014, in your calendar as a red-letter day and living proof that leopards can change their spots. On this day, Microsoft changed the terms of Windows licensing for its flagship desktop operating system, Windows Enterprise. In an update to the …

Microsoft’s Project Catapult Puts Custom Chips in the Cloud

Microsoft is testing a new server technology with Project Catapult that is likely to play an important role in future cloud computing environments—a server technology that can dramatically increase the performance of some data center workloads and breathe fresh life into Moore’s Law, all without significantly increasing server cost or power consumption. Microsoft Research’s Project …