Failure of Imagination

After the Apollo 1 disaster, astronaut Frank Borman told Congress that the tragedy had not been caused by any one company or organization, but by the entirety of all those involved with the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions. The problem had been a failure of imagination. They knew that at some point there would be a fire in a space …

Next-Generation Private Cloud

A new generation of private cloud environments is being created now, ones where all the management is done via SaaS. This way, the heavy lifting is done by others, and you inherit an IT as a Service environment ready for you to add new workloads without worrying too much about upgrades, management constructs, or even, in some …

My Thoughts on 2016

My thoughts on 2016. We are quickly coming up to the end of 2015 and this is the time that we, the analysts, like to make our predictions for what is in store in the upcoming year of 2016. First, let me start with one of the biggest announcements and surprises of 2015 which was the Dell acquisition of EMC. This acquisition is expected to close sometime in mid-2016 and I want to see the deal close before I shed all my skepticism that this deal will come to completion. I understand that it is pretty much a done deal, but nothing is truly finished until the final signature is added. So, keeping up with the status of this acquisition is one of the things at the top of my list of things to watch in 2016.

Your Social Business and Community Strategy

We are now poised at the end of 2015, and one thing still holds true: an inescapable factor in today’s business environment is the constancy of change. Enterprises must adapt to new economic and business imperatives or wither and die; enterprises mastering the art of social business and communities can gain substantial and sustainable advantage. By …