The Future in the Cloud Technology Space

It is that time of year, at least for those of us in the United States or Canada, to pause and give thanks for the blessings of the harvest and the preceding year. This holiday gives us a moment to reflect on the good things we have in life while sharing a feast with family …

Windows Azure Blob Hard Drive Import and Export

Microsoft seems to be in the news lately, not for anything new and groundbreaking, but for something it needed to do to stay competitive with other cloud services. First, as I wrote in a post last week, Microsoft has taken the Windows Azure HDInsight Hadoop service to general availability, and now Microsoft is offering its Azure customers the ability to import to and export from Azure using hard disks offline.

Transforming Desktops: PC Lifecycle Management

Personal Computer Life-cycle Management (PCLM) is set of processes which manage end-user devices transforming desktops from procurement to sunset. A well developed methodology will cover all aspects of architecture, procurement, management and decommissioning of end user devices.