Virtualizing Business Critical Applications – Security and Compliance

Virtualizing Business Critical Applications is often stopped either by the sudden involvement of security and compliance, a need to better understand, or a need to gain visibility into the underlying security of the virtual environment in order to build new security and compliance models.

Virtual Future in our Virtual Designs

Is it time to plan for the virtual future in our virtual designs? Happy New Year and welcome to 2013!! What a year 2012 turned out to be for virtualization and/or cloud computing in general. Microsoft Hyper-V, RedHat and VMware have all made quite a few enhancements with the hypervisor and we have finally gotten to a point where we really have some good competition between hypervisors, but also the competition boundaries are being expanded to include much more than just the hypervisor itself as we start to focus on the ecosystem as a whole.

Are you using or considering implementation of a storage hypervisor?

Depending upon what your or somebody else’s definition of a storage hypervisor is, you may or may not be using one or realize it.

If your view of a storage hypervisor is a storage IO optimization technology to address performance and other issues with virtual machines (VMs) and their hypervisors, such as Virsto or ScaleIO along with others, you might be calling those storage hypervisors as opposed to middleware, management tools, drivers, plug-in, shims, accelerators, or optimizers.