Bromium release vSentry 1.1: trustworthiness for more desktops in the enterprise?

Bromium have released vSentry 1.1 which will brings Bromium’s benefits of micro-virtualization and hardware based security to a far wider range of enterprise desktops. New features include wider OS Support: Live Attack Visualization and Analysis (LAVA) and the Bromium Management Server. There are still components of an enterprise desktop strategy that aren’t accommodated, but vSentry 1.1 has components that broaden the use cases deploying Bromium’s trustworthy computing service and expand the capabilities for those managing the service.

It Is Time To Expand The Virtual Playing Field

It is time to expand the virtual playing field. Since the release of both Hyper-V 2012 and vSphere 5.1, there have been an abundant amount of posts comparing the two hypervisors in a head to head fashion. All the different charts, graphs, and tables point to the fact that when comparing maximum values head to head.

vSphere upgrade saga: Getting all the bits

The VMware Enterprise Plus upgrade to vCloud Suite Standard would give me the benefits of being able to make use of vCloud as well as vCNS products in my environment. But before I started the install I had to plan the install, and this produced a long list of software to gather and download. read …