And then there were three – NxTop Enterprise morphs to XenClient Enterprise

How will Citrix acquisition of NxTop impact VARs and users? How will XenClient will be marketed longer term. Looks like Citrix will embrace IDV as there is a wider market share, and an admission that VDI will never be the sole solution: hybrid solutions are key to capturing as wide a desktop market share as possible.

Citrix acquires client hypervisor leader Virtual Computer

Citrix has acquired client hypervisor segment leader Virtual Computer. Citrix now has a new client hypervisor solution XenClient Enterprise featuring extremely strong management capabilities. Integration with Citrix’s existing client hypervisor is sure to come, providing customers with the best of both worlds.

Desktone v5 angling to hook Service Providers from Citrix's FlexCast

Desktone have architected a platform to allow resellers and service providers to deliver and support heterogeneous end user-environments. With a Desktone v5.0 platform, it is possible to deliver a hybrid desktop environment, manage multiple datacentres and utilise a set of APIs. For service providers and resellers alike, Desktone is offering a platform that can be managed and maintained with Linux based appliances and a single view of services that will be compelling.

Migrating to the Cloud: OpenStack or vCloud?

We, here at The Virtualization Practice, are getting ready to have a cloud presence. Since we ‘eat our own dogfood’ with a 100% Virtual Environment, we are gearing up to move some of those workloads into a hybrid cloud. We already use some cloud resources, but now is the time to look at other workloads. Why we are moving to the cloud is three fold: how can we write about various aspects of being a tenant in the cloud, if we are not one; a recent power outage at the grid level; and a upcoming data center move. Two of these reasons are all about business continuity with the first being what we do. While we already have a cloud running within our own environment, it is time to branch out.