Ericom’s HTML5 client for VMware View

I have to admit that it came as a bit of a surprise to see Ericom beating Citrix, VMware, et al to the punch last week by shipping the beta release of its HTML5-based RDP client, before any of the bigger vendors opened up their offerings to public scrutiny. I’ll being look at the operation of Ericom’s HTML5 client in more depth next week, but first we need to understand why anyone would be interested in deploying a HTML5-based remote desktop client at all.

Acquisitions by VMware and RSA Changing the Landscape

There were two announcements over the last few days that struck me as quite important to the virtualization community. While some may question this statement, the long reaching effects of these purchases will impact virtualization and cloud computing in not so distant future. In fact, these purchases could add a whole new layer to vSphere as we know it today. Which for VMware is a good thing. They need to continue to innovate to stay ahead of the pack. The purchases I talk about are:
VMware purchasing/taking over control of EMC Mozy
RSA purchasing NetWitness

VMware View Client and Citirix Receiver for iPad – truly free of charge?

VMware View users along with Citirix XenDesktop and Quest vWorkspace have an iPad client for their respective solutions. Personal device use may seem appealing in reducing the demands on IT support – but to fully comply with the license agreements can incur additional license charges, and those charges are difficult to manage. Despite the advertising blurb attached to the free clients, the headaches for finance and IT are not over yet.

VMware ESX Server in the Enterprise

VMware ESX Server in the Enterprise: Planning and Securing Virtualization Servers, published December 2007, (c) 2007 Pearson Education. Available on Safari. Where to Buy Available from eBook Version Amazon Amazon UK Inform IT Safari Online Version O’Reilly Media Safari Online Version Links to Articles/Interviews about Book Excerpt from Book Interview with John Troyer of …

VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security

Title Change VMware vSphereTM and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing the Virtual Environment There are so many similarities between VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure from a security perspective that we decided to change the title of the book. The book already covered VMsafe and other APIs, Distributed Virtual Switches, as well as other aspects of vSphere …