VMworld and Other Conference Tips

Every month there is at least one conference to go to. Whether that is the smaller InfoSec World, the much larger RSA Conference, or VMworld, conferences are a fact of a technologist’s life. There are as many ways to choose a conference to attend as there are people attending conferences, but there are some tips …

Is Traditional IaaS Cloud a Dead Man Walking?

Traditional IaaS cloud—whether AWS’s EC2, Azure’s offering, or even a private IaaS cloud running vCloud Director, vRA, or OpenStack, to name a few—is in trouble. Now, that sounds like quite a contentious statement to make, but I feel the writing is on the wall. “What?” you may ask. “How can you say that? There are many …

Perth Is Lovely to Visit, but It’s Not Cloudy: SD-WAN to the Rescue

On February 19, my colleague Edward Haletky wrote a piece on scale. In it, he highlights that scale is not just about 20,000 desktops and 3,000 virtual hosts. Rather, there are many other metrics that could and should be considered with regard to scale. I am currently living in Perth in Western Australia. Perth holds a …

IndependenceIT Has Lost Its Independence!

Those of us in the industry who have been around the block somewhat, shall we say, and worked in end user compute when it was still called terminal services will remember when there seemed to be only two players in the game: Microsoft and Citrix. Then, along came this little upstart from Pennsylvania called IndependenceIT. …