Unplanned Obsolescence – Digital Lifespan

Recently, the xkcd comic (https://xkcd.com/1909/) mentioned digital lifespan with a pithy comment about digital resources disappearing quickly. This is quite prevalent in the project to restore NASA records from Apollo missions, such as LOIRP. NASA participated in unplanned obsolescence as well as misunderstanding the value of its data. It picked data formats that were not …

Multi-Hypervisor Hyperconverged with Maxta

Product progression is always interesting to see. In particular, I like to see products that grew up around one platform developing into adjacent platforms. Early hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) products usually only supported one hypervisor—most commonly, vSphere, as VMware dominated data center virtualization. But vSphere isn’t the only hypervisor in town, and recently, we have seen …

It Is Time that IoT Was Called by Its Real Name: the Intelligent Edge

The Internet of Things (IoT)—or, according to Cisco, the “Internet of Everything”—is starting to really heat up. We are finally seeing real use cases: automation in Australian mining, American farming, and the wineries of Spain; sensors with real-time monitoring; decision-making processing on driverless cars; and facial recognition software in phones and computers (queue the jokes about …