See You at VMworld!

See you at VMworld: I am finalizing my schedule and trying to clear my inbox in preparation for my flight out of town at the end of the week. My self and somewhere around twenty thousand of my fellow peers will all be arriving in Las Vegas, Nevada for VMworld 2017. I think the show this year, has the potential to be a very exciting and electric conference.

vSphere Upgrade Saga: NSX in 8 Easy Steps

Upgrading the virtual network to use NSX is not a heavy or large task. It can be, depending on what you are doing, but the basics are fairly straightforward. These basics are not the wholesale replacement of your existing virtual network. They are not the inclusion of new forms or routing in your virtual environment. …

Another One Bites the Dust: AWS and Azure Kill Off Another Competitor in GoDaddy

One more cloud vendor has found out that unless you go big, you get wet. GoDaddy has decided to move out of the public cloud market, which it entered with much flag waving and fanfare in March of 2016. This is starting to be a common theme, with vendor after vendor giving up the ghost. VMware recently …