vSphere Upgrade Saga: Pre-Upgrade Crash

My last 6.0 patch upgrade had an interesting phenomenon. Staging of three of the patches worked without a hitch. Before I could install the next patch, however, I had to cold-reboot the nodes. A soft reboot caused a red message to the console complaining about a module that would not load: a module I did …

From Mainframes to Containers

A few days ago, Stevie Chambers tweeted about the evolution from mainframe to container: “Why is it a surprise that VMs will decline as things miniaturise? Mainframes → Intel → VMs → Containers, etc. Normal, I’d say.” By “Intel” here, I’m going to take Stevie to mean “rackmount servers.” I’m also going to assume that by …

Microsoft — The Renaissance Continues

Microsoft’s turnaround over the two years since Satya Nadella became CEO has been nothing short of phenomenal. During the Ballmer years, Microsoft had become increasingly sidelined and irrelevant, focused on aggressive and negative marketing techniques. Anybody remember the painful Microsoft Mythbusters video featuring then–Microsoft executive David Greschler and Hyper-V product manager Edwin Yuen? Not that you can find it anymore; …

Bundling Up for the Cloud

I hear that vendors are bundling cloud services with their other software licensing deals, and I have some thoughts about why. Azure credits are being bundled into Microsoft software license deals. Oracle customers can buy cloud credits as a way of avoiding problems that stem from database software licensing true-ups. There are a couple of ways of …

vSphere Upgrade Saga: iSCSI Woes

My infrastructure recently underwent a catastrophic failure from which recovery was more tedious than difficult. An iSCSI server running from a KVM server using Open vSwitch decided to go south. Why? I am still trying to figure that out. The long and short of it is that Open vSwitch running within a CentOS 7 KVM …