The Future for Cloud Native Applications

Container technologies and developers work with applications. End users use applications. Yet, administrators think about the systems that make up the applications with tools that are not application-centric but rather system-, VM-, or container-focused. Because the tools are not focused on the application, the definition of the application is unknown by those who support the …

How Will Dell Blend Its SDN Story with Nicira/NSX?

The big story of the last few weeks has been Dell’s $67B acquisition of EMC, and with it, VMware. This is big news for the industry—news that will have ramifications all over the software-defined data centre. One of the most interesting implications is how Dell will reconcile its own SDN strategy with VMware’s NSX vision. Do the …

Dell + EMC = Less Security?

Dell has announced it will spin off its SecureWorks product portfolio. SecureWorks is very late to the cloud and virtualization security market, and it may never get there. EMC RSA ignored the cloud and virtualization security market and now is struggling to find a footing in the larger IoT market. VCE has no security reference …

Dell Acquires EMC

Dell acquires EMC. It has been no secret that EMC has been under some pressure from Elliott Management Corp., one of EMC’s investors, to do something to raise share prices and rumors and speculation about what might be coming has been a topic of many different post and articles over the last year or so but now it has been confirmed that the deal is done. This deal will close in 2016 and EMC’s Chief Executive Officer, Joe Tucci will finally get his opportunity to retire. For all practical purposes, this has been is the making for quite a while and there was some speculation that some kind of announcement needed to happen by the earnings report.

Foray into Jenkins, Puppet, Docker, and Photon: Part 2

In my Foray into Jenkins, Puppet, Docker, and Photon article, I discussed how to set up Photon, Jenkins, and Docker and how I was able to use Jenkins to deploy a Photon template. However, this template was a simple template with just Docker set up within it: a template that could become anything required, run any Docker …