Business Performance and Agility: Are We Measuring the Correct Metrics?

In the EUC world, it is euphemistically stated that the only performance metric that counts is user experience. What this means is that from a business and management perspective, it does not matter a single jot how much green is showing in your NOC view; if your users are not happy, you have a problem. …

IT Transformation: No Changes to Management

In previous articles, we discussed IT transformation in general, IT transformation and security, and the top-down and migration approaches to IT transformation. Now, it is time to discuss a method of IT transformation I call “no changes to management.” With this method, IT transformation happens by natural, existing means within the data center, by adding …

vSphere Upgrade Saga: 6.0 Upgrade through SRM

There are many steps to the upgrade of vSphere, as outlined by KB Article 2109760, with the steps for my environment starting at step 4 (vCNS). However, before I could start my upgrade, I had to upgrade any third-party systems first, as well as to upgrade any Microsoft Windows Servers. Everything went fine for vCNS, …

IT Transformation: Migration

In previous articles, we discussed IT transformation in general, IT transformation and security, and the top-down approach to IT transformation. In this article, we discuss migration as a means to IT transformation. Migration as a means to IT transformation hooks into an organization’s disaster recovery procedures, using these existing mechanisms to migrate workloads from on-premises …