All the World Is an EMC Cloud

With the news that EMC has bought Virtustream (to be completed near the end of the year), the cloud landscape does not change very much in the short term; however, in the long term, the EMC family has its work cut out for it to integrate all its cloud solutions. The EMC family currently has …

Cisco to Buy Nutanix: Only the Truly Divine Would Deny Their Divinity

There has been a rumor flying around the twitterverse and other social media outlets that Cisco is about to announce that it is buying Nutanix. This rumor started circulating when a report from a Portland-based equity research firm was released, opining that as a last post, John Chambers was going to buy Nutanix. Now, as …

Virtual Thoughts with HotLink

Transforming IT, a subject of many discussions within organizations today, was a major topic at EMC World 2015. Lynn LeBlanc of HotLink and Edward Haletky spend some time discussing transforming IT into a hybrid cloud landscape on this Virtual Thoughts video podcast. We look not only at HotLink technology, but also at what it really …