Managing and Monitoring Performance in SDN / NFV

We have all drunk the Kool-Aid. Software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV), or both will save the world. They decouple us from the shackles of legacy networks to allow a utopia of business-driven requirements to freely flow, delivering value and freeing the network, application, storage, and infrastructure teams to have weekends off and time …

Different Approaches to the Cloud

Microsoft and VMware have been, in my opinion, two companies in direct competition with each other during their respective journeys to the cloud. VMware started first, paving the way for virtualization in corporate data centers. One could argue that once VMware demonstrated success with virtualization running corporate critical systems, Microsoft decided to go all in developing …

Hardware Is Dead, Long Live Hardware

There is a growing movement to abstract hardware completely away, as we have discussed previously. Docker with SocketPlane and other application virtualization technologies are abstracting hardware away from the developer. Or are they? The hardware is not an issue, that is, until it becomes one. Virtualization may require specific versions of hardware, but these are …

GTC: The Biggest VDI Conference of the Year

It’s hard to believe, but this week’s NVIDIA showcase, the GPU Technology Conference (GTU), might be the biggest VDI conference of the year. This year, there are forty-nine sessions covering GPU virtualization for desktop workloads. Yes, that’s right: VDI is as big at GTC as it was at both Citrix Synergy and VMworld last year.