Rewatching Computer Chronicles: Everything Old Is New Again

It has been thirty-one years since the first Computer Chronicles show, and that first show depicted many interesting things that were not considered new at the time. Today, we find them new and interesting, or more to the point, improved such that they are usable in ways only dreamed of then. Computer Chronicles discussed touchscreens, …

The Cloud Workspace, Part 2: Virtual Workspaces

In part one of this article, we looked at the different types of DaaS products and services that masquerade as cloud workspaces, breaking down the marketplace into: Desktop Platform as a Service: A bare-bones service offering licensing, infrastructure, and very little else; Integrated Desktop as a Service: Mainstream DaaS complete with integrated image and application …

What Is SDN? The History of All Things SDN

Software-defined networking (SDN) is clearly one of the hot items of the tech field at the moment.  VMware’s purchase of Nicira precipitated a sea change, leading to today’s plethora of SDN vendors and array of competing technologies. It reminds me the early noughties—the introduction of virtualization, competing hypervisor technology stacks and Unix/Linux Zones*—followed by the …

vSphere Upgrade Saga: Log Insight Content Pak

I have written about upgrading VMware vCenter Log Insight (vLI) in the past, but I have not discussed my first content pak for Log Insight. You can find my discussion on how to set up this content pak below. This was recorded at VMworld 2014 by the vBrownBag folks. I would like to thank them …

The Cloud Workspace, Part 1: DaaS by Any Other Name?

In reviewing various DaaS services over the last few months, a common theme has emerged: Any and every service provider wants to deliver, or at least wants you to think that it can deliver, some sort of cloud workspace. But just what is a cloud workspace, and how does it differ from DaaS?