Defense in Depth: Authentication and Authorization

On the 7/29 Virtualization Security podcast we continued our discussions on defense in depth. We discussed authentication and authorization with IdentityLogix. IdentityLogix provides a unique solution that correlates users and groups against VMware vSphere’s own role based access control stores. In other words, IdentityLogix can identify if a user or group within active directory has more access to VMware vSphere’s management tools than they were intended to be allowed based not only on the user’s username but on the groups in which the user belongs. Why is this important to know?

VMworld 2012: vCloud Networking and Security Enhancements

There are several improvements in virtual networking and security within the latest vSphere and vCloud products. vCloud Networking and Security lowers of the overall cost to implement endpoint security within a vSphere environment. VMware has accomplished this by including vShield Endpoint into vSphere. There by lowering the cost to offloaded antivirus and malware to just the product chosen to implement antivirus and antimalware.

vSphere Upgrade Saga: Setting up a RHEL iSCSI Server

When using the RHEL scsi-target-utils, there is some special mojo needed when connecting to vSphere 5 (perhaps any version of vSphere). Unlike the iSCSI Enterprise Target (IET), the new service makes use of modern iSCSI targeting techniques, and these did not work as expected with vSphere out of the box. For a few days, I was confused as to what was happening, but not anymore, so now my iSCSI server for my vSphere Environment is back in running shape after its hardware upgrade, new operating system, and upgraded disk drives.

Life without the Cloud or Reasons to use a Hybrid Cloud

The Virtualization Practice was recently offline for two days, we thank you for coming back to us after this failure. The reason, a simple fibre cut that would have taken the proper people no more than 15 minutes to fix, but we were way down on the list due to the nature of the storm that hit New England and took 3M people off the grid. Even our backup mechanisms were out of power. While our datacenter had power, the rest of the area in our immediate vicinity did not. So not only were we isolated from reaching any clouds, but we were isolated from being reached from outside our own datacenter. The solution to such isolation is usually remote sites and location of services in other regions of a county, this gets relatively expensive for small and medium business, can the Hybrid Cloud help here?

Taking a Look at VMware Feature Limitations

Since the introduction of virtualization there has been sheer joy and excitement when having to work with application owners on the amount of resources they will need and not what they really think they want. I have seen all kinds of minimum, maximum, and special recommendation for all kinds of application over the years. In most cases, applications have evolved to be able to thrive in a virtual environment without too many limitations. Now it seems we have to verify which VMware features are fully supported with certain virtualized application also.