Data Protection: All Starts with an Architecture

At The Virtualization Practice, we have systems running in the cloud as well as on-premises. We run a 100% virtualized environment, with plenty of data protection, backup, and recovery options. These are all stitched together using one architecture: an architecture developed through painful personal experiences. We just had an interesting failure—nothing catastrophic, but it could …

The End of an Era: The End of Backup Exec

It’s the end of an era: the end of Backup Exec. Symantec has released a notice that it will stop selling the Backup Exec 3600 appliance on January 5, 2015. When this topic caught my eye while I was reading the latest cloud computing news, I must admit the announcement brought on a feeling of …

News: Veeam Enters Physical Backup Land

October 8, 2014: Today at the Las Vegas VeeamON conference, Veeam announced its first foray into the world of physical device backup. With the rather catchy name “Veeam Endpoint Backup Free,” the product, when it is released, will be able to back up a physical endpoint (read Windows-based operating system) to a NAS share or …

What Do You Know about Asigra?

What do you know about Asigra? What if I told you there is a good chance that you have used its products but never knew it? During VMworld 2014 in San Francisco, I had the opportunity to sit in on a briefing from Asigra at the Tech Field Day Extra event. I had heard of …

Data-Aware Services: Oh, the Places We Could Go!

I have written many times about the need for application-centric data protection and data-centric security. But what these both require is that our data protection, security, management, and networking are data-aware. We use applications, but we thrive on data. The more data we have, the more chance we can make use of it, which has …

Next-Generation Data Protection: Realities

In the past, I have written about the next generation of data protection, which combines analytics with broader data and holistic system protection into one easy-to-use product (or set of products). The goal is to take disaster recovery to the future, when we will be able to restore and test our restores of not just …