Another Look at Uninterrupted Data Access Priorities

In my last post, Priorities of Uninterrupted Data Access, I got the chance to present the results of the IDG survey that reported a sizeable difference between the 50% of executives and the close to 90% of managers’ and the directors’ concerns of the priorities of uninterrupted access to the company data. This “spread” between the percentages has left me really wondering and speculating what might be behind the different attitudes and concerns.

Priorities of Uninterrupted Data Access

For those of you that know me, know that Disaster Recovery is a topic near and dear to my heart. For those of you who I have not had the pleasure of meeting, I have spent most of my professional career working in Florida so I hope that helps give a little insight into my special interest in Disaster Recovery.

Copy Data vs. Data Protection

Copy data software is becoming much more prevalent and could be a replacement for many data protection products. But is it? Do copy data solutions provide data protection or just movement of data around the cloud? That is really the crux of the discussion. Is having multiple copies of data out in the cloud sufficient …