Windows 10 Is Born — Will It Change the World?

On the 29th of July, Microsoft released to the world the latest iteration of its highly popular desktop operating system. Well, I say “popular” because in over 80% of all desktops and notebooks it is the desktop operating system of choice. However, “choice” may be too strong a word, as the OS comes with the …

Deploying Amazon WorkSpaces at Scale

I’ve made no secret of my dissatisfaction with Amazon’s WorkSpaces DaaS platform. While I like the general direction in which the platform is heading, and appreciate the impact that Amazon can have in the DaaS market, WorkSpaces has been slow to implement enterprise-class management features and suffers from too many rough edges to withstand close …

Business Performance and Agility: Are We Measuring the Correct Metrics?

In the EUC world, it is euphemistically stated that the only performance metric that counts is user experience. What this means is that from a business and management perspective, it does not matter a single jot how much green is showing in your NOC view; if your users are not happy, you have a problem. …

Anatomy of a Desktop Virtualization Project #3: PoCs and Pilots

So, you’ve run through the application analysis and vendor engagement phases. Ideally, these two phases will have provided you with (a) pertinent information about your environment, and (b) the solution or solutions that may work best to deliver the applications in your environment. The next logical stage of the project is to move toward a …