Workload-Optimized Hyperconvergence for VDI

Last year’s EVO:RAIL specification from VMware marked the commoditization of hyperconverged infrastructure appliances (HCIAs). In the months that followed, seven new HCIAs were launched, all sharing a common hardware and software specification, with only minor differentiation to distinguish one product from the next. However, while EVO:RAIL has marked the commoditization of hyperconverged infrastructure platforms for …

Fewer Than 90 Days to Security Vulnerability

What is the significance of July 14, 2015? It is the end of extended support date for Windows Server 2003. This date is approaching faster than many administrators care to acknowledge, and the reality is that Windows Server 2003 just won’t be a viable operating system for production environments after that date.

DaaS vs VDI — Costs Compared

During a recent briefing from a DaaS startup, I was surprised to hear the vendor report that he was seeing interest from enterprise customers looking to DaaS because they were unable to make the numbers work for a server-hosted desktop virtualization solution. This baffles me. I’m hard-pressed to think of many current circumstances where it is …

Citrix Receiver X1

Citrix Receiver X1 is finally coming to fruition! At Synergy 2014, Citrix announced Receiver X1 and provided an impressive demo, but until recently, it appeared that it was another one of those announcements that was destined to fall into a black hole.