Ericom Connect v7 Released

This week, Ericom announced the release of Ericom Connect v7, which promises increased scalability and easier administration of both virtual applications and desktops. In reviewing this product and spending some time under the hood, there are several interesting aspects to consider.

GTC: The Biggest VDI Conference of the Year

It’s hard to believe, but this week’s NVIDIA showcase, the GPU Technology Conference (GTU), might be the biggest VDI conference of the year. This year, there are forty-nine sessions covering GPU virtualization for desktop workloads. Yes, that’s right: VDI is as big at GTC as it was at both Citrix Synergy and VMworld last year.

Anatomy of a Desktop Virtualization Project #2: Vendor Engagement

In Anatomy of a Desktop Virtualization Project #1, we discussed getting to know your application estate and identifying the required delivery methods for those apps. In part #2, it’s time to engage with vendors and determine what form of solution you should deploy.