The Cloud Workspace, Part 1: DaaS by Any Other Name?

In reviewing various DaaS services over the last few months, a common theme has emerged: Any and every service provider wants to deliver, or at least wants you to think that it can deliver, some sort of cloud workspace. But just what is a cloud workspace, and how does it differ from DaaS? 

XenApp 7.x: Virtual Reality

Back in January when Citrix announced that it would be reintroducing XenApp, many cheered. They were delighted that Citrix was finally acknowledging that virtual applications weren’t facing extinction or playing second fiddle to virtual desktops. After all, XenDesktop had been constantly hammered into our brains by Citrix, and there had been little mention of the …

Downstream Impact of Microsoft Licensing Changes for VDI

On Monday, Microsoft announced some changes to licensing with respect to VDI, as described in yesterday’s article, Microsoft Changes Windows Licensing. Although Microsoft licensing has always been somewhat complex and difficult to understand, this change is a step forward in terms of simplification. Further, the announcement certainly was good news for enterprises that use VDI, …