Happy Birthday, Citrix — Now, Get Back to Work

Citrix is twenty-five this year. It’s done pretty well; not everyone can say that they created a market-defining end user computing platform that is used by every major organization in the world—and a few other places as well. So Happy Birthday, guys, and please take the rest of the day off. Just make sure you’re …

Winds of Change: What Does Horizon 6 Mean for Microsoft and Citrix?

At first glance, it looks like VMware’s recently announced Horizon 6 platform is an admission by VMware that applications, rather than desktops, do matter, and that Citrix has been on the right track all along. Certainly, XenApp has been a thorn in the side of many VMware View implementations through the years, allowing people to …

State of the Art: Virtual Desktop Security

User experience drives virtual desktop deployments and can either make or break them. If the user experience is awful, users will find other, often less secure methods for doing their jobs. VDI sits at an interesting crossroads where storage, memory, networking, CPUs, and GPUs must be properly tuned. Any adverse impact from any one of …