How Good an Idea to Virtualize XenApp?

How good an idea to Virtualize XenApp? There were a number of benefits identified way back then: hardware abstraction allowing easier image management and OS upgrades; options for higher availability and faster recovery; even fail-over. Virtualization enabled silo consolidation and importantly enabled better management of user capacity on servers. However, there is a price. Reduced density and performance. Not all applications will benefit. That said, the flexibility that virtualization of XenApp offers is likely of greater benefit to many organisations.

Nivio – Has Someone got Desktop-As-A-Service for Small Business Right?

Nivio have announced a DaaS solution aimed at SME space. Offering access to Microsoft Windows on any device, rentable applications, and data storage in the cloud, it sounds as if Nivio’s service could be just the ticket for the tablet wielding small business user. What are Nivio doing that is different? Will this model be successful? What, if anything, can be learned by other DaaS providers, and what in turn needs to be learned by Nivio?