VMworld 2012: Liquidware Labs Unveils On-Demand Department Installed Applications Feature

User virtualisation is rightly being seen as more than profile management. Applications and data are key to the making a generic desktop a viable workspace. With ProfileUnity FlexApp’s Department Installed Applications Liquidware could be the first to deliver on the dream of a more dynamic application mechanism across enterprise desktop environments.

OnLive – bad management, or an example of DaaS immaturity?

Could OnLive have succeeded? Were they doomed to failure to failure before the off? What are the key questions you should be looking to have answered from your DaaS service provider? It is said that OnLive give an example how-not-to-do DaaS. DaaS is viewed as an upcoming market – is there a wider lesson to be learned from OnLive’s failure?

Teradici to announce RDSH solution at VMworld San Francisco

Teradici today pulled back the curtain on a major new initiative, pre-announcing plans to introduce a new Remote Desktop Services Host (RDSH) solution later this year. Signaling that it is no longer content to focus exclusively on its PC over IP remote display protocol, instead looking to broaden its outlook as a provider of end to end remote desktop services.

Citrix release XenClient Enterprise 4.1: revolution or evolution in desktop virtualisation for laptops

Citrix XenClient Enterprise 4.1, first full release since the Virtual Computer acquisition. How does 4.1 compare with previous versions? How has NxTop been utilised? FlexCast missed corporate laptops, does XenClient give an enterprise desktop virtualization platform for laptops?