Office 365: Yay or Nay?

If your company isn’t in the process of implementing Office 365 by this point, there’s a good chance that some IT team members are at least giving it some serious thought. As with many aspects of Microsoft Azure, Microsoft is marketing Office 365 as the ultimate solution—and a good number of CIOs are drinking the Microsoft Kool-Aid …

Amazon WorkSpaces Cloud Desktop Service Now Offers Hourly Pricing

AWS has introduced a new way to consume its Amazon WorkSpaces cloud desktop service: desktops by the hour. The new service is designed to appeal to businesses with employees needing only occasional computer access and should allow many customers to reduce their costs, although buyers will need to pay close attention to how the service is …

Chrome OS: From Education to the Enterprise

In less than four years, Google has completely overturned the educational computing market. In 2012, Chromebook sales were less than 1% of all devices shipped within the K–12 education market. By the end of 2013, shipments had increased to 25%. In May of this year, Chrome OS device sales (Chromebook and Chromebox) passed 50% of …

Citrix and Microsoft Step Up Cloud Domination

Today, Citrix and Microsoft announced that Azure Remote App will be deprecated, and a new version of Citrix XenApp on Azure will be the go-forward Cloud-based application virtualization offering.  This is game-changing news within the virtualization industry, but what exactly does this mean for customers and the industry as a whole?  Further, the timing of …

More Data Copies Means More Locations That Matter for HCI

In my previous article, I introduced the idea of data locality in HCI. I also explored some basic math that illustrates the impact of scaling an HCI cluster. I compared a cluster without data locality to a cluster that does have locality. Today, I want to look at what happens when we need more than two …